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stars are mansions!

The stars are mansions built by Nature’s hand,
And, haply, there the spirits of the blest
Dwell, clothed in radiance, their immortal vest;
Huge Ocean shows, within his yellow strand,
A habitation marvellously planned,
For life to occupy in love and rest;
All that we see – is dome, or vault, or nest,
Or fortress, reared at Nature’s sage command.
Glad thought for every season! but the Spring
Gave it while cares were weighing on my heart,
’Mid song of birds, and insects murmuring;
And while the youthful year’s prolific art –
Of bud, leaf, blade, and flower – was fashioning
Abodes where self-disturbance hath no part.

—William Wordsworth

New - Available Now

Speaking to the Stars
An Introduction to Astrosophy
Jonathan Hilton

A New Star Wisdom developed by Willi Sucher
from the insights of Rudolf Steiner

Beginning with the basics, Jonathan Hilton takes the reader through an introductory course on astrosophy—from understanding and working with the zodiac and planetary spheres to actual chart construction and to the spiritual significance and deeper meaning behind practical astrosophy and its potential for one’s own inner development. In the process, he also brings a historical perspective and carefully draws important distinctions between today’s popular astrology and the esoteric basis for an approach to star wisdom as viewed and developed through spiritual science.

Also included in this course on astrosophy are numerous statements from the works of Rudolf Steiner on our human relationship to the stars, zodiac, and cosmos.

This is an essential guide for anyone who wants to begin a study of this discipline and spiritual path through the stars.


“...the great paradox is that the loss of direct spiritual perception of the gods was necessary in evolution so that human beings could fulfill their great task in world evolution. According to Rudolf Steiner, this task is that we become beings of freedom and of the love that is born out of that freedom. This means that the experience of separation from the divine, unique to humanity among all beings, has the possibility, not the predetermination, to establish something new in the cosmos: a rank of beings who freely choose to participate with the divine plan out of the love born from that freedom.”

Also of interest

New for Children and Families

Fairytales, Families & Forests
Storytelling with Young Children
Georgiana Keable and Dawne McFarlane

This book is packed with stunning stories, singing games, and rhymes of nature for ages up to 7 years. It is a perfect resource for parents of young children, preschools, nurseries, special needs, forest schools, and kindergartens. It builds confidence for storytelling and helps us create our own stories or find stories that help with problems.


From the Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner

Interdisciplinary Astronomy
Third Scientific Course
Translated by Frederick Amrine
18 lectures, Stuttgart, January 1–18, 1921 (CW 323)

What I have tried to give you in these studies, my dear friends, was meant above all to bear upon scientific method. Although time constraints have forced me to deal with some of these things in bare outline, scarcely more than hinting at them, yet if you follow up the thoughts and indications in these lectures you’ll see the main point I have been trying to make. It’s that the whole methodology underlying science as it’s currently practiced needs to be transformed. It would be of great significance if these lectures could stimulate such a transformation. 

—Rudolf Steiner, from the lecture of January 18, 1921 (CW 323)