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We like March

We like March — his shoes are Purple.
He is new and high —
Makes he Mud for Dog and Peddler —
Makes he Forests Dry —
Knows the Adder's Tongue his coming
And begets her spot —
Stands the Sun so close and mighty —
That our Minds are hot.
News is he of all the others —
Bold it were to die
With the Blue Birds buccaneering
On his British sky —

—Emily Dickinson, “We like March”

Pocket Library of Spiritual Wisdom

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Through philosophical and scientific training, Rudolf Steiner brought systematic discipline to the field of spiritual research, with fully conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries.

The Evolution of the Mysteries

Samples contained in this book, with edited excerpts from Steiner’s numerous talks and writings on alchemy.

Alchemy and the Rise of the Modern Mysteries; The Loss of the Divine and the Alchemical Quest; Mysteries of the Metals; The Standpoint of Human Wisdom Today; Alchemy and Consciousness—the Transformation; Alchemy and Archangels; The Alchemy of Nature—Mercury, Sulphur, Salt; Beyond Nature Consciousness—the Spiritual Goal.


The Druids
Esoteric Wisdom of the Ancient Celtic Priests

Samples contained in this book, with edited excerpts from Steiner’s numerous talks and writings on the Druids.

The Sun Initiation of the Druid Priests and their Moon Science; The Mysteries of Ancient Ireland; Celtic Christianity—the Heritage of the Druids; Teachings of the Mysteries—the Spirit in Nature; The Great Mysteries—the Mystery of Christ; The Function of the Standing Stones; Spiritual Imaginations.


The Goddess
From Natura to the Divine Sophia

Samples contained in this book, with edited excerpts from Steiner’s numerous talks and writings on the topic of the goddess.

Rediscovering the Goddess Natura; Retracing our Steps—Medieval Thought and the School of Chartres; The Goddess Natura in the Ancient Mysteries; The Goddess in the Beginning—the Birth of the Word; Esoteric Christianity—the Virgin Sophia; the Search for the New Isis; The Renewal of the Mysteries; The Modern Isis, the Divine Sophia.


The Holy Grail
The Quest for the Renewal of the Mysteries

Samples contained in this book, with edited excerpts from Steiner’s numerous talks and writings on the Holy Grail.

From the Mysteries to Christianity; Death and Resurrection in Ancient Egypt – the Miracle of Initiation; The Mystery of Golgotha; The Mystery of the Higher Ego – the Holy Grail; The Grail and the Spiritual Evolution of Humanity; The Gnostic Crisis and the Loss of the Mysteries; Stages of Evolution – Archaic Clairvoyance; The Role of the Mysteries; The Secret of Evolution – the Holy Grail.


See more in the series: Pocket Library of Spiritual Wisdom

From the Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner

The Tension between East and West
10 lectures at the Second International Congress of
the Anthroposophical Movement, Vienna, June 1–12, 1922 (CW 83)


Although no one could properly accuse me of having socialist views, I was for some time a teacher in socialist circles. My intention was to do something for which, in fact, the time had not yet come (it is more than twenty years ago now): to promulgate a spiritual life that could lead to structures that are in closer accord with reality than those derived from abstract or modified Marxism, which in many respects indeed are not realistic at all [. . .] Science, becoming increasingly materialistic, has given rise to the view that historical reality consists simply of economic struggles, economic patterns, class struggles—in short, of the immediate material element, the external, physical-sensory element in human life and history, and that therefore economic forces are the true reality.

This economic materialism, which is far more widespread than many upper-class people today believe, is a consequence of the general materialistic outlook, which, nowadays, is believed to have been overcome even in science; yet it has a powerful hold on the soul dispositions and attitudes of wide circles of the Occident. . . .

—Rudolf Steiner, from the lecture “Anthroposophy and World Evolution,” in The Tension between East and West (CW 83)

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