never in a Book

To see the Summer Sky
Is Poetry, though never in a Book it lie—
True Poems flee—

—Emily Dickinson, “To see the Summer Sky” (1472)

Recent Releases

Reset or Renaissance
Life, Liberty, and the Quest for Enlightenment in a Post-Covid World

Daniel Joseph Polikoff

Reset or Renaissance offers a real-time chronicle of events unfolding during the heated core of the Covid pandemic: the latter half of 2021, shortly after the rollout of the Covid vaccines. The book is no dull factual affair, but an impassioned critical engagement, distinctly literary in style, that offers a broader and deeper understanding of the scientific, sociopolitical, and spiritual dimensions of the Covid moment.

Combining documentary poetics with rigorous analysis of the flood of Covid misinformation, this volume records one American citizen's concerted attempt to make intellectual and moral sense of a tumultuous time that shook the foundations of the world.  

The historic drama surrounding Covid continues to unfold. Daniel Polikoff aims to translate knowledge of the recent past into a vision of the future guided by truth rather than illusion, perspicacity rather than prejudice, and conscience rather than calumny.


The Confirmation of Kaspar Hauser
Peter Selg

During the 2018 Kaspar Hauser Festival in Ansbach, Germany, Peter Selg assumed the task of understanding the individuals in Kaspar Hauser’s life and comprehending their significance for his destiny. He begins by unfolding the sociopolitical and philosophical milieu during Hauser’s life, starting with Friedrich Hölderlin and other significant luminaries of the time. A fellow student and friend of Hölderlin said of Kaspar Hauser, “His fine facial features, his gentle expression, his beautiful bearing, his carefully tended attire, and the unmistakable loftiness expressed in his being have always remained with me,” saying further, “Whoever saw him loved him, and whoever became acquainted with him remained his friend.”

Selg compares the biographies of Kaspar Hauser and Rudolf Steiner, who stated, “If Kaspar Hauser had not lived and died as he did, the contact between the earth and the spiritual world would have been completely broken.” And Selg points out, “Through his path of suffering, Hauser prepared something that would allow new life and a new ‘teaching’ to enter the earthly realm.”


The One, Child of the Universe
Human Transformation through Cosmic Realities

Anna Lups, MD

Dr. Anna Lups begins with a practical study of alchemical principles through her examination of a young child’s colorful drawings. As a Waldorf school physician, she began to realize that a “star child” had artistically conveyed a message worth investigating. Two decades later, she revisited those drawings and realized that this child had been able to convey his reservoir of past memories from deep consciousness.
Throughout these pages, the author expands on the child’s drawings alongside a key work of Hermes Trismegistus, the Emerald Tablet, and his terse observation, “As above so below,” a guiding principle for pursuing self-knowledge and one’s true purpose on Earth. She also explores the spiritual significance of numbers and vowel sounds, as well as embryogenesis, esoteric physiology of our major organs, spiritual and physical aspects of human development, gender, marriage, sexuality, and the unique blessing of being human on Earth.


Color Meditation
Kees Veenman

We are all familiar with the world of color, but can we learn to experience color more intensely? Can we learn to penetrate colors in a more profound way? This book takes the reader into the activity of the colors of the spectrum by investigating them meditatively. Kees Veenman, a phenomenologist who specializes in colors, begins by observing the spring gold and the autumn gold of trees before introducing the phenomenological method whereby his research connects with Goethe’s theory of color and that of Rudolf Steiner. Using numerous examples and experiments, Veenman guides the reader toward the dynamics and essence of colors, describing his research into the nature of colors along with fresh questions that help us penetrate the world of colors ever more deeply.


From Colour to Form
A Glimpse into Gerard Wagner's Approach to Rudolf Steiner's
Indications for Painting

Caroline Chanter

This book offers insight into how Gerard Wagner developed his work on the basis of Rudolf Steiner’s indications for painting. Fundamental color experiments illustrate his methodical approach, while examples of his late work show the living, etheric quality he achieved in his watercolor painting. All of Rudolf Steiner’s training sketches for painters (pastel drawings and watercolors) are included, as well as the first English translation of the summaries by Albert Steffen of Rudolf Steiner’s lectures on color.


2025 Calendars

Elsa Beskow Calendar 2025
Elsa Beskow
This monthly calendar is beautifully illustrated with Elsa Beskow's characteristic seasonal artwork, featuring joyful children and magical little folk. The main UK, US, and Swedish public holidays are indicated.

Stargazers' Almanac 2025
Bob Mizon
A beautiful illustrated monthly guide to exploring the stars and planets which is designed for naked-eye astronomy – perfect for both enthusiasts and beginners. With eco-friendly printing and packaging. READ MORE

From the Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner

Freedom of Thought and Societal Forces
Implementing the Demands of Modern Society

6 lectures in Ulm, Berlin, and Stuttgart, May 26–December 30, 1919 (CW 333)

What do we see when we truly attempt to understand the essence of our present time? I would say that we see two possible routes: one leading to the left and one to the right. One would allow us to retain the perspectives provided exclusively by the natural sciences and to apply those same perspectives to societal issues. In other words, this route begins with the belief that we can understand public affairs by using the same store of ideas that we use for understanding the natural world. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels took this route, just as Lenin and Trotsky are doing so now. People today do not yet realize that the ultimate consequence of this misdirected scientific approach is social chaos or social decline. The horrendous beliefs of Lenin and Trotsky, which are now threatening to destroy any true human culture in Eastern Europe, are based on the belief that the natural scientific approach also applies to societal issues. . . . The wildest instincts and drives are masquerading as historic trends and demands. This is the route that leads to the left.

The route to the right is the route that I have described today, the path to perceiving the supersensible human being and the supersensible world. This route sheds supersensible light on human development striving upward toward the truly free spirit. . . .

Achieving spiritual perception of the supersensible human being leads toward a future housed in a beautiful new edifice based on:

—Freedom in intellectual and cultural affairs. Spirit-imbued individuals will be free individuals.

—Equality in our spirit-warmed soul activity. Souls receptive to spirit perceive and treat other souls they encounter in life as equals in a great mystery.

—Genuine brotherly-sisterly love practiced by bodies ennobled by spirit and soul.

Understanding the real nature of body, soul, and spirit will lead to a human social order based on liberty, equality, and fraternity.

—Rudolf Steiner, from a lecture of July 22, 1919, in Freedom of Thought and Societal Forces (CW 333)

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