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the Meteor rolling home

Lonesome on earth's loneliest deep,
Sailor! who dost thy vigil keep—
Off the Cape of Storms dost musing sweep
Over monstrous waves that curl and comb;
Of thee we think when here from brink
We blow the mead in bubbling foam.

Of thee we think, in a ring we link;
To the shearer of ocean's fleece we drink,
And the Meteor rolling home.

—Herman Melville, “To the Master of the Meteor”

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A Guide to Understanding Healing Plants
Volume I

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A Guide to Understanding Healing Plants
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From the Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner

On Philosophy, History, and Literature
Lectures at the Worker Education School and the Independent College,
Berlin, 1901–1905

Author’s summary and summaries of 34 lectures, 1901–1905;
with reports on Rudolf Steiner’s activity in the
“Giordano Bruno Association,” 1902 (CW 51)

Wide-ranging, illuminating, and entirely unique within Rudolf Steiner’s Collected Works, this volume (51) consists of lectures given at the Worker Education School and at the Independent College in Berlin (with a lengthy appendix on his activity in the Giordano Bruno Association). In part one of the volume, Steiner lays the foundation for what he calls “historical symptomatology”—that is, the study of the deeper causes behind history through their symptomatic expression in concrete historical events. Part two contains, on the one hand, lectures on the philosophies of the medieval and early modern mystics and, on the other, a brilliant homage to the great thinker and dramatist Friedrich Schiller.

This book is a must-read for both long-time students of Steiner’s work and newcomers seeking a different, enlivened and enlivening approach to philosophy, history, and literature. READ MORE