Each sun-filled day

God in His own right hand doth take each day—
Each sun-filled day—each rare and radiant night.
And drop it softly on the earth and say:
"Touch earth with heaven's own beauty and delight."

—Jean Blewett, “August”

Recent Releases

The Silent Language of Life
Research into Formative Forces in Water Drops

Inge Just-Nastansky

The research published here—conducted over the course of fifteen years by Inge Just-Nastansky—reveals, through extensive illustrations, a side of nature that otherwise remains hidden to us.
The water drop—that small, transparent vessel—leaves behind remarkable structures after drying, structures in which its “experiences” are imprinted. Salt, minerals, gemstones, and plant organs—such as roots, stems, fruits, and seeds—are submerged in water for weeks or months. At regular intervals, samples are taken and dripped onto a microscope slide. After drying, characteristic and reproducible images of astounding harmony and beauty appear through the microscope. The variety of forms seems inexhaustible. We encounter in the phenomena under the microscope a language of images which in its lawfulness expresses another level of nature’s reality. The understanding of this creative world of life that lies behind the world of appearance develops through a living feeling and understanding of what is given as an active impulse in the images.


Corona Blood Phenomena
Microscopic examinations of blood, serum, and cerebrospinal fluid:
healthy – vaccinated – recovered

Inge Just-Nastansky

This book was occasioned by the many patients who sought medical treatment for Covid or after receiving a Covid “vaccine.” The blood of these patients was studied using the method of drop-image microscopy. The results of this research—including examinations of the blood of “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” as well as healthy and recovered patients—is documented here, along with normal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and the CSF of a patient after three “vaccinations.”
This book by no means represents a finished scientific study but rather an ongoing documentation that demonstrates the importance of the integrity and wholeness of the human body. The task of the physician is to help protect and maintain this integrity; the task of science is to address the many unanswered questions that arise through such research.


Reset or Renaissance
Life, Liberty, and the Quest for Enlightenment in a Post-Covid World

Daniel Joseph Polikoff, PhD

“This is the book society has been waiting for—indeed, a masterpiece—and one that really needed to be written. The book provides a unique and invaluable flashback of the Covid pandemic. The author describes salient events in a manner that is both objective and deeply philosophical while providing profound historical and literary background. There is a reasonable chance that this book will succeed in bringing people back together rather than further polarizing them.  First and foremost, let’s hope the author’s wish may be fulfilled: that the insight provided will empower readers to consider which path they may now choose to take—one that leads towards a technocratic, undemocratic, dehumanizing future, or one that tends toward Social Beauty.”
—Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, Former Senior Ebola Program Manager for GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization)


Books by Armin J. Husemann

Form, Life, and Consciousness
An Introduction to Anthroposophic Medicine
and Study of the Human Being

Armin J. Husemann

Dr. Armin Husemann outlines—for doctors, therapists, students, and other interested readers—the basics and essential aspects of anthroposophic medicine. He takes the reader on an exciting journey of discovery through the realms of minerals, plants, animals, and humankind. In doing so, diverse, unfamiliar perspectives open up for the practice of medicine and other forms of healthcare and therapy. This book is one of those rare resources that serve as a guide for the professional while also remaining accessible to anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of the whole human being and a spiritual–scientific approach to medicine and therapy. 


What Makes Blood Move?
A Mind-Body Physiology of the Heart

Armin J. Husemann

What does it look like to approach the phenomena of beating heart and flowing blood from a wholistic perspective? What does it mean that, in the human embryo, what is to become the circulatory system functions prior to the formation of the heart? Does the human heart really have something to do with our emotions? With love? Understanding? A kind of knowing qualitatively different from yet related to what we might call “brain knowing”? This book builds a much-needed bridge between natural science and a universally human spiritual science, while also providing a comprehensive, accessible view of the human heart and how blood moves in the human body.


From the Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner

Anthroposophy and the Natural Sciences
Foundations and Methods

5 public lectures and an evening discussion, various cities,
June 17, 1920 – May 11, 1922 (CW 75)

This previously untranslated volume in The Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner showcases Rudolf Steiner presenting the key concepts and methods of spiritual science to more or less skeptical academic audiences in the early 1920s. Step by step, he presented to his listeners the fundamentals of the anthroposophic path of knowledge. Steiner was less concerned with presenting results from his spiritual–scientific research than with leading his academic audience to an objective understanding of spiritual science in a propaedeutic, conceptually transparent way. The central questions of his approach were:

What are the tools and instruments required to orient oneself in the world of the soul and the spirit?

How can we know that the spiritual world is an objective world and not merely a psychic projection?

What authorizes the spiritual researcher to acknowledge what he has experienced “on the other side” as a reality that is independent of him?

Rudolf Steiner addresses these and other questions in such a structured and readily comprehensible way that the volume as a whole is well suited, both as an introductory text and as a means for anyone to deepen their understanding of how anthroposophy relates to and builds upon the natural sciences.