Adolescence, the Sacred Passage
Adolescence, the Sacred Passage
Setting out on the journey of adolescence is like taking a boat into turbulent waters, not knowing where one will end up. Will the boat capsize or find its bearing? Where is the rudder?
The community of adults in a high school environment is a community of trust in which we need to foster hope, belief in positive change, and commitment to serve the highest good. This is a teacher’s charge, and one must never forget it.
Teachers are responsible for believing in adolescents’ capacity for change and maturing and for transformation. When these qualities live in the souls of teachers in a high school community, adolescents are able to thrive and to face their own dark night of the soul and to pass through it and into the light.
This is an invaluable resource for teachers, as well as for parents and homeschooling. It offers the possibility of offering order and guidance for adolescents as they navigate the chaos of being teenagers on the verge of adulthood.