my bonny babe

I've found my bonny babe a nest
On Slumber Tree,
I'll rock you there to rosy rest,
Asthore Machree!
Oh, lulla lo! sing all the leaves
On Slumber Tree,
Till everything that hurts or grieves
Afar must flee.

I've put my pretty child to float
Away from me,
Within the new moon's silver boat
On Slumber Sea.
And when your starry sail is o'er
From Slumber Sea,
My precious one, you'll step to shore
On Mother's knee.

—A. P. Graves, “An Irish Lullaby”

Available Now

Raising Sound Sleepers
Helping Children Use their Senses to Rest and Self-Soothe
Adam Blanning, MD

This insightful book offers practical ways that parents and care givers can support children toward using their senses—from taste, smell, and touch to balance and movement—to self-soothe, sleep, and, ultimately, build resilience for life.

Based on extensive research and using clear examples, Dr. Blanning explores a range of methods for children of all ages, from newborns to teenagers. He tackles key parental concerns and offers:

— Tips for settling toddlers who always say “No!”
— How to establish calming daily rhythms
— Ways to help children settle during times of anxiety
— Self-soothing techniques that improve disruptive behavior

Raising Sound Sleepers is an invaluable resource that empowers parents and care givers to guide children towards rest, sleep, and calmness—skills that are useful throughout life.


“Children weave back and forth between courageous outer exploration and the need for greater inward security. Most measures of child development miss this inward aspect. They take careful note of the (outer) milestones for gross and fine motor skills, and for speech and socialization, but there is little, if any, discussion about the inner steps for growth.”
(from the introduction)

three children's picture books

The Blue Forest
Bedtime Stories for the Nights of the Week
Luke Fischer
A collection of seven highly imaginative bedtime stories—a story for each night of the week, each featuring one of seven colors. The stories are set in a magical blue forest and tell of mysterious nighttime events and relationships involving humans, animals, and nature.

Goodnight Sandman
Daniela Drescher
A beautiful bedtime tale with luminous illustrations by much-loved artist Daniela Drescher. Can Jacob the Sandman collect the magic dream sand so that the children of the world can dream happy dreams?

Pip the Gnome’s Bedtime
Admar Kwant
Pip the gnome and his friends are going to sleep in this gentle board book for young children. Perfect for sharing at bedtime.

From the Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner

The Occult Truths of Myths and Legends
Greek and Germanic Mythology
Richard Wagner in the Light of Spiritual Science

Translated by Paul King
16 lectures, Berlin, Cologne, Nuremberg, June 24, 1904 – December 2, 1907 (CW 92)

The essence of sacramentalism is that the human being fills everyday things with a sacred spiritual quality. The sense and point of of the ancient legends was to bring about the right vibration in people’s souls, so that they were filled with spiritual strength. Through this, the simplest action of a naive heart can be hallowed. . . . We can try as hard as we like to bring harmony and order to the physical plane, but it will fail as long as we work only on the physical plane; harmony created on the one side gives rise to disharmony on the other. But if you let the spiritual operate, you will see that everyday matters are approached in a completely different way. This is sacramentalism . . .

—Rudolf Steiner, lecture of July 8, 1904