the sun is everything

To-day's your natal day;
   Sweet flowers I bring:
Mother, accept, I pray
   My offering.

And may you happy live,
   And long us bless;
Receiving as you give
   Great happiness.

—Christina Rossetti, "To My Mother"


Greetings on this May morning!

A good morning to be thankful for those around us, mothers and all those born of mothers, and those who’ve gone on ahead.

We’re doing some spring cleaning at our warehouse, so do take a look at the select titles below we’re offering at 60% off through Wednesday, in hopes of lessening a bit the overall load on our shelves. (Remember to use the offer code at checkout! )

With warm wishes for your week and beyond,


Spring Sale! 60% off these highlighted titles.
Use offer code SPRING at checkout.
Valid until 5/17/23

60% discount applies only to the books featured above.
Offer code SPRING must be entered at checkout and cannot be added after an order is placed. Online orders only. This offer cannot be applied to any previous orders.

From the Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner

Nature and Spirit Beings
Their Activity in Our Visible World
Translated by Christian von Arnim
18 lectures in various cities, November 5, 1907 – June 14, 1908 (CW 98)

"Know yourself" means: fertilize yourself with the wisdom within you; consider the soul as a female organ and fertilize yourself. If you want self-knowledge, then search within yourself, there you will recognize all your faults; if you want to know your higher self, then search outside yourself, for there world knowledge is self-knowledge. Everything is in the sun, for the sun is everything. We have to get away from ourselves. People say to me: You tell us about development and the like; but we want elevation of the soul, of the feelings. Anyone who says that is their own enemy. It is not by gawping into ourselves, but by getting to know the world in all its parts, bit by bit, that we become selfless and can find knowledge of ourselves and of God.

—Rudolf Steiner, lecture of November 7, 1907, Nature and Spirit Beings (CW 98)

A Conversation with Jonathan Hilton


834 Route 203, Spencertown, NY

Live Book Release Event!

Saturday, May 20 at 7 p.m.

Join us at the new SteinerBooks publisher’s bookshop to mark the release of Jonathan Hilton’s

Speaking to the Stars
An Introduction to Astrosophy
by Jonathan Hilton

Books will be available for purchase and signing.