Love burns through

You come to fetch me from my work to-night 
When supper's on the table, and we'll see 
If I can leave off burying the white 
Soft petals fallen from the apple tree. 
(Soft petals, yes, but not so barren quite, 
Mingled with these, smooth bean and wrinkled pea;) 
And go along with you ere you lose sight 
Of what you came for and become like me, 
Slave to a springtime passion for the earth. 
How Love burns through the Putting in the Seed 
On through the watching for that early birth 
When, just as the soil tarnishes with weed, 
The sturdy seedling with arched body comes 
Shouldering its way and shedding the earth crumbs.

—Robert Frost, “Putting in the Seed”

New Releases

The Foundations and Principles of Biodynamic Preparations
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The Maria Thun Biodynamic Almanac 2024
North American Edition

Titia Thun and Matthias Thun
The original biodynamic sowing and planting almanac, now in its 62nd year. The easy-to-view layout features detailed planting, tending and harvesting information to help growers maximize the yield and vitality of crops and plants. Trusted by generations of farmers and gardeners.

Favorite Biodynamic Titles

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A Biodynamic Manual
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Pierre Masson
This book answers all questions about the practice and methods of biodynamic farming and gardening with chapters on large-scale farming, including livestock and cereal cultivation, and vegetable farming. This second edition has been completely revised and updated.

What Is Biodynamics?
A Way to Heal and Revitalize the Earth
Rudolf Steiner
Whether you are concerned with the quality of agriculture and gardening in particular or have a broader interest in the ecological crises facing us today, this book offers a transformative approach that can truly change the way we live together on Earth.

Weeds and What They Tell Us
Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer
This wonderful little book covers everything you need to know about the types of plants known as weeds. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer discusses the different varieties of weeds, how they grow, and what they can tell us about soil health. The process of combating weeds is discussed in principle, as well as in practice, so that it can be applied to any situation.

Biodynamic Preparations Around the World
Insightful Case Studies from Six Continents

Edited by Ueli Hurter
A valuable reference guide for biodynamic practitioners around the world and how to successfully adapt the techniques and preparations for different locations. Contributors include Ueli Hurter, Dr. R. Ingold, Dr. M. Kolar, J. Schönfelder, Dr. A. Sedlmayr, and A. van Leewen.

For Children

How Does My Fruit Grow?
Gerda Muller

Sophie loves visiting her aunt and uncle in the countryside and learning all about the fruits that grow in their garden—strawberries, red currants, and cranberries. She even discovers how a tall cherry tree grows from a small seed, and how bees help blossoms become fruit. The simple story is both informative and entertaining. It's perfect for teaching children where food comes from, and for inspiring interest in the wonderful diversity of the world around us.

New in the Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner

Four Modern Mystery Dramas
The Doorway of Initiation • The Trial of the Soul
The Guardian of the Threshold • The Souls Awaken

Written 1910 to 1913 (CW 14)
Translated by Richard Ramsbotham

“The Mystery Dramas speak for themselves better than anyone can, even Rudolf Steiner. When Steiner was once asked after a lecture to explain something about the characters in the Mystery Dramas, he replied: 'I do not like at all to comment on or interpret these plays. I myself would be the worst possible interpreter, because I never had any concepts, but rather the living figures themselves before my eyes.'“
(from the Introduction by Richard Ramsbotham)

A knowing such as this,
That springs just as it is,
From spirit-worlds,
Can even be of help to one
Who does not understand it.
To anyone, therefore,
Who wants to come and hear
The things I have to say,
The door is open.
I'm well aware that many come
From simple curiosity
And other odd and petty motives.
But even if, for now,
Such people's souls
Are not yet touched and quickened,

The good will have been planted
Deep within them,
And will work on in future.

Spoken by "Felix Balde," in Scene Five of The Trial of the Soul, in: Rudolf Steiner, Four Modern Mystery Dramas (CW 14)