many golden days

Lo! a ripe sheaf of many golden days
Gleaned by the year in autumn’s harvest ways,
With here and there, blood-tinted as an ember,
Some crimson poppy of a late delight
Atoning in its splendor for the flight
Of summer blooms and joys—
This is September.

—Lucy Maud Montgomery, “September"


The Circle of Mystery Streams
Karmic Groups in the Anthroposophical Society and Movement
Malte Diekmann
In this book is presented for the first time the different karmic groups found in the Anthroposophical Society and movement, as laid out in the lectures and other works of Rudolf Steiner. This approach takes us beyond the duality of Aristotelians and Platonists to a fourfold picture, adding the two further streams of the Novalis-souls and Rosicrucians on an equal level with the aforementioned. Aristotelians and Platonists represent most of all the dimension of insight in anthroposophy, whereas the Novalis-souls and Rosicrucians represent the dimension of life — the moral, social and world-changing side of anthroposophy. It is only by considering all four groups that we gain the full picture of a "circle of mystery streams" formed by karmic groups which is truly capable to be a spiritual home for all people related to anthroposophy.

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On Rudolf Steiner's Mystery Dramas
Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer
For Dr. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, the Mystery Dramas provide a sequel to Rudolf Steiner's Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment. They also comprise a manual for finding answers to questions of striving for a spiritual life in community.

Anthroposophic Spiritual Science and Medical Therapy
Rudolf Steiner
Through spiritual science, Rudolf Steiner was able to extend the scientific knowledge of his day into new realms. In these advanced lectures, given to a group of doctors and medical students, Steiner offers new insights into the processes of health and illness in the human organism, elaborating on the substances and processes which treat illness.

Raising Sound Sleepers
Helping Children Use their Senses to Rest and Self-soothe
Adam Blanning, MD

Help children of all ages learn life-long skills — how to sleep, self-soothe and feel calm — using their senses. An easy-to-absorb, holistic guide written by an experienced child-development consultant and holistic physician, and based on extensive research.

New for Children

A Home for Constance
Fiona Sim
Illustrated by Bethan Welby
Everyone in the village is surprised when a little girl appears one day and announces she will build herself a house. Only the old herb seller believes her, and helped by just a little magic, Constance proves herself to be surprisingly strong and determined.

Our Incredible Library Book
. . . and the Wonderful Journeys It Took

Caroline Crowe
Illustrated by John Joseph
The story of one well-worn, much-loved library book and all the children who have borrowed it. A vibrantly illustrated celebration of the magic of books, libraries and sharing, with fun rhyming text.

From the Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner

Four Modern Mystery Dramas
The Doorway of Initiation • The Trial of the Soul
The Guardian of the Threshold • The Souls Awaken

Written 1910 to 1913 (CW 14)
Translated by Richard Ramsbotham

Rudolf Steiner’s four modern mystery dramas are powerful portrayals of the complex laws of reincarnation and karma, transporting us to landscapes of soul and spirit where suprasensory beings are visible, active, and influential. Through perception of those hidden worlds, we are given tools to comprehend the background of the struggles we face in everyday life—both in human relationships and in our attempts to practice spiritual development. Written from 1910 to 1913—during periods of intense inner and outer work—the dramas present powerful testimonies to Steiner’s artistic creativity. By manifesting soul and spirit forms on stage, they foreshadow a dramatic art of the future.